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5 tips for creating a network of trustworthy clients to write for

Networking can be tough online. If you’re just starting out, it seems like every other freelance writer has contacts he or she can draw on except for you. You won’t be in this beginner stage for long, though. The real key that some higher-up freelancers might not tell you is to just start. It’s hard building a career and a platform from scratch, but if they all did it then you can, too. Once you start working for people, even if your client does change with every job, you can start tips for growing a customer database for a freelance writercreating your own network. It’s when you find that client who connects with the way you write and wants more, that you get a repeat client you can trust. But the only way to find that person is to write for a bunch of people to start with.

Platform and Network Building for a Freelance Writer

Start with where you work. Are you writing for magazines? Have you joined a freelance agency? Those kinds of things will affect how and how well you can build a network. Having trustworthy people to work with is every person’s wish, whether they work freelance or in an office job. If you know what to do, it’s not that hard to start building a trustworthy network. You can achieve this with a few tips for success:

  1. Look at the clients you’ve already written for (if you have some) and think about your work experience with them. Are they someone you enjoyed working with? Did you trust each other? Contact them to see if they have any other jobs for you to do. They might just become a regular client.
  2. If you don’t have any past clients, or none of your past ones are people you’d want to work for again, here’s what you do. Look at some available jobs, either magazines accepting submissions, or postings on your freelance agency’s website. Then, try to get a new job or two and keep reaching out until you do find someone you’d like to work for regularly.
  3. Talk to other freelance writers. If you know anyone in person or online who does similar work that you do, maybe you can recommend each other to clients. This not only helps both of you further network, but also your clients will appreciate the talent and connections you bring, too.