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Accepting and managing revision requests

There are many clients seeking assistance for revising their written content. They put their trust in professional freelancers such as yourself to help them make their content standout from the others. Whether it is a resume or an academic term paper, you know you need to have a system in place to help you get revisions done in a timely manner as requests come in. There are a few points to consider in helping you get yourself in a better position to take on requests so you can manage your time and effort more efficiently.

Knowing Timelines and Understanding How Long It Takes to Complete Them

revision request

When clients submit requests to have content revised they may expect a fast turnaround. Others may not be in a hurry to have their project revises, especially when the content is lengthy. You have a great advantage in being control of your time, but it helps to get some ideas on how to be more efficiently with it. You can play around with a few concepts but this may include setting a schedule to do revisions based on how long they will take to complete.

Some revisions will take longer to complete than others, and it is even better when you can complete it well within the deadline. You should already have an idea how long it will take to complete revisions before applying for the job. As you are awarded tasks it can make things easier for you to organize them so you can complete them in a timely fashion while ensuring the quality of content is not effected. Some writers may have a set schedule for completing revisions at certain times of the day to help them stay on top of requests as they come in.

Setting Priorities to Help You Organize Requests

Depending on the type of revisions you complete you may decide to complete assignments that are do sooner than others. There are times in which a client may say they need it completed as soon as possible, which could put the pressure on when you have a full schedule already in place. Take a deep breath and push forward while keeping your priorities in line. When necessary, let clients know your status to ensure you stay on schedule, or when you expect a delay in getting things done.