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Ultimate List: The Best Summer Time Jobs During College

A summer job is something most college students want. It’s a great way for them to earn a bit of money on the side, plus it gives them a certain amount of experience and improves their resume. However, there are a lot of students who get confused when it comes to choosing the right summer job; after all due to the numerous options available in terms of online jobs for students. The rule of thumb is to search for something local, something that also pays well. So, without further ado, let’s move on with the top 10 perfect summer jobs for college students:

Interesting Job For College Students

1. Lifeguard

Do you consider yourself a water baby? If yes, then a lifeguard is the ideal summer job for you. All it requires is a bit of physical fitness and keeping your eyes and ears peeled for any sort of trouble. You will not have to do much but sit around the pool all day, but when the time comes, you have to spring into action immediately. It might not be the most glamorous job in the world but saving someone’s life does get you pumped-up.

A Great List Of Easy Jobs For College Students


Any college student who loves to write and wishes to exercise creativity, should get a job - an academic writing job. Our sites provides a lot of opportunities for experienced writers and newbies. Not only does this gig pay well but it ensures that you get to do something you love. Plus, you’ll be helping some other poor kid with their assignment, which means you can brush up on your knowledge of certain subjects during the summer. Oh, and the pay for writing jobs is not too shabby as well.


Who said babysitting is a job meant only for girls? Even guys can babysit, as long as they can remain patient and ensure all the kid’s requirements are being looked after. Babysitting can actually be a love of fun if you put your mind to it. After all, watching movies, playing games, and reading a story to the kids sounds like the perfect way to spend the summer and an easy job for college students.

3.Dog Walker

If humans aren’t your thing, and you’d rather spend the entire day with a canine companion, apply for one of the best jobs for students –  a dog walker. Not only will you get a nice workout with all the walking you do, but you’ll get paid well too. The only thing you need to understand is that these animals are your responsibility so you should do everything to keep them comfortable and happy.


Trainer How does getting paid to get ripped and healthy sound? When you apply for a fitness trainer position for the summer, that’s basically what you get. Now you can achieve the body you always wanted without having to spend large amounts of money on a gym membership.


A server may seem like hard work but it’s actually quite easy if you’re an active and intimidating individual. Based on the restaurant you join in, making great tips is possible and most of the time you’re free to choose your hours of work. The only drawback of this job for college students are the stains.

Jobs for students you will love

1.Camp Counselor

Why not take up a position as a camp counselor? This will give you a chance to spend the whole summer doing something fun and memorable. Stuff to do include making friendship bracelets, going on hikes, and caching all the kids to put them to bed on time at night. If you’re serious about applying for this position, it’s time to get your sleeping bag out of the storage.

2.Library Staff

Enjoy some peace and quiet in the library by signing up as an employee here for the summer. While this isn’t the most exciting job, it does give you an excise to finish your summer homework.

3.Golf Caddy

When you’re a golf caddy, you’re able to make a whole lot of money in lieu of a minimal amount of effort. If you’re not opposed to the idea of wearing khaki shorts all day long and carrying around golf clubs for some hours, apply to the country club soon.

4.Office Temp

Every new job seems to be an adventure, and nobody knows where they will end up next. Being an office temp does involve a lot of menial tasks, but at the same time, it does allow you to fill up your wallet easily.